Short Story

The Heroes of Eldrid

Once upon a time in the land of Eldrid, there lived three adventurers – Karen, the Half-Elf Rogue, The Thunder, the Dwarf Cleric, and Raphael, the Human Paladin. They were known as the fearsome trio, traveling the land and solving problems for those in need.

One day, they received a summons from the King to embark on a quest to retrieve the legendary Sword of Light, said to possess immense power and the ability to defeat the dark lord who threatened the kingdom.

They set out on their journey, traveling through treacherous forests and scaling dangerous mountains, facing many obstacles and defeating countless foes along the way. But the greatest challenge lay ahead – the entrance to the dungeon where the Sword of Light was kept was guarded by the dragon, Smog, who was immune to all magic.

Karen, being the stealthiest of the trio, snuck into the dragon’s lair and used her thieving skills to distract Smog while the others engaged in battle. The Thunder called upon the power of his deity to summon bolts of lightning that rained down upon Smog, weakening him. Raphael, with his shining armor and holy sword, charged forward, striking the final blow and defeating the dragon.

They entered the dungeon and fought their way through numerous traps and enemies until they finally reached the chamber where the Sword of Light was kept. They claimed the sword and returned it to the King, who was eternally grateful.

With the Sword of Light in their possession, they set out to defeat the dark lord and bring peace to the kingdom. The final battle was fierce, with the trio facing off against countless minions and powerful spellcasters, but in the end, Raphael, wielding the Sword of Light, struck the final blow, defeating the dark lord and saving the kingdom.

The trio was hailed as heroes and their names were forever remembered in the annals of Eldrid’s history. From that day on, they continued to embark on new adventures and face new challenges, but the Sword of Light and their bravery would always be remembered.

Character Portrait


Character Portrait

The Thunder

Character Portrait


Character Portrait


Character Portrait


Character Portrait

Talia Nemetsk

Character Portrait

Quelenna Shadecleaver

Character Portrait

Melinda Brokenclaw

Character Portrait
