Short Story

Strahd’s Castle – A Rumberry Coffeecake Adventure

Rumberry Coffeecake was known far and wide for their exceptional cleaning skills. They were a Brownie Warlock, small and unassuming, but with a fierce determination to leave every space they encountered spotless and organized.

One day, Rumberry received a summons from the infamous vampire, Strahd von Zarovich. Strahd had a problem; his castle was a mess, and he couldn’t stand the sight of it anymore. He needed someone to clean it, and fast.

Rumberry was hesitant at first, but their love for cleaning was too strong to ignore. They agreed to take on the job, and set out for Barovia and Strahd’s castle.

When Rumberry arrived, they were shocked by the state of the castle. It was cluttered, dirty, and full of cobwebs. But Rumberry was undaunted, and set to work, using their magic to make the cleaning process as efficient as possible.

Days turned into weeks, and finally, the castle was spotless. Strahd was overjoyed with the results, and he thanked Rumberry for their hard work. From that day forward, Strahd was a changed man. He was cleaner, happier, and more grateful than ever before.

Rumberry returned home, exhausted but proud of their accomplishment. They had taken on one of the most challenging cleaning jobs in all of Barovia and emerged victorious. The memory of their adventure in Strahd’s castle would stay with them forever, and they would always remember the gratitude of the once-infamous vampire.